About Us
Our Mission and vision
Pleasant Valley School district believes that all children can learn. We are committed to providing a safe and orderly environment with positive experiences to give all students the best possible education; to educate all students to lead productive, satisfying, and responsible lives now and in the future.
We will provide the students of Pleasant Valley:
a safe, secure, and positive learning environment, both physically and emotionally.
consistent instruction that creates a positive sense of accomplishment.
a clean and quiet, disciplined atmosphere that is conducive to both mental and physical health.
communication and involvement of family based on honesty and trust.
Our Philosophy of Education
We believe that all students should be provided the opportunity to realize their potential; and we believe that the primary function of the schools is in preparing each student to make a positive and responsible contribution to the society in which he/she lives, as well as in preparing him/her to realize and share in the benefits of that society.